International Wedding Photographer



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H & S

Let’s enjoy this heartwarming celebration of Hayley and Steven’s Wedding Day at the iconic Cliveden House.

The day began with intimate Chinese wedding traditions, gate crashing, tea ceremony, etc, embraced within the luxurious confines of the Lady Astor suite and the stunning the French dining room. Later, the celebration moved outdoors, where nature’s beauty provided the perfect backdrop for their vow exchange.

Feel the embrace of love and heritage as Hayley and Steven write the first chapter of their forever, surrounded by the fragrant bloom of flowers and the warmth of their loved ones’ smiles. Join us as we celebrate the beauty of love, grounded in tradition and illuminated by joy! 

The Chinese Getting Ready

Before the Western white wedding gown became popular, Chinese brides celebrated their union in the timeless elegance of the Qun Kua (裙褂). This traditional ceremonial dress, steeped in centuries of history and culture, is a striking two-piece ensemble, typically adorned in vibrant red hues symbolizing joy, luck, and prosperity. The intricate embroidery and ornate detailing on the Qun Kua not only showcase the skill of artisans but also carry profound symbolism, with motifs representing blessings for the couple’s union and wishes for a harmonious marriage.

In contemporary Chinese weddings, it’s common for bridesmaids to play a special role in the cherished traditions surrounding the Qun Kua. Before the bride dons the Kua top, bridesmaids are often invited to assist with the Qun, the skirt portion of the ensemble. This gesture not only upholds tradition but also symbolizes the love and support of the bride’s closest friends, adding a heartfelt touch to the occasion.

Then comes to the most important part! It’s such heartfelt moment as both parents, or sometimes specifically the mother of the bride, would assist in dressing her in the Kua (the top). This act symbolized more than just dressing the bride; it was a beautiful expression of parental blessing, a gesture of love, and the passing down of happiness from one generation to the next.

A Fairytale Journey

Bride & Groom,

and their parties



Venue @ClivedenhouseVideographer @woody.storytelling|Florist: @Idyllicandcohire |Makeup @joanmakeup|Dress: @Berta|Shoes: @ManoloblahnikWedding Cake @cobi_and_coco_cakes |Srting Trios: @celestrialstringldn





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